Thursday, 21 November 2013

In 14/11/13's lesson, I worked with the group to develop a piece based on the washing line devised piece from the week before whilst incorporating elements from the work we did based on Frantic Assembly's work. I really liked doing this as it helped me to develop skills that would enable me to intertwine different elements of performing. We devised a repeating pattern which followed the task given to us the week before. 

The boys developed a piece on their characters in the army, it was a piece created to be performed all in sync. It looked really effective and if they clean up the timing it will be extremely effective. 

We also watched the play 'Advice for The Young at Heart' written by Roy Williams. I really enjoyed this play as I loved the contrast between the two time period, this was really interesting as it portrayed that we all have the same issues, no matter where or when - which is something I would use in my later devising and further develop. 

The performances by the actors were extremely effective and fitting to their character's time period. I admired how the play did not shy away from issues it tackled such as: racism, rape and gang related violence. 

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