Thursday, 5 December 2013

gos·sip: casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.


Our piece is about 4 women gossiping about their lives and those around them as their husbands are out at war. I really like the piece as I think it adds a comedic side rather than tears and dramatics that you would usually associate with a piece war. To develop the piece and to create it as effective as it could be we really worked on our characteristics, focusing on our vocals and the points we're trying to get across. I really focused on developing the emphasis put on words as I deliver my lines and delivering them as if they are the most scandalous and important thing i'll ever say. We worked on our reactions as a group and how to make them work as one whole reaction rather than a singular reaction each. This is apparent on lines we say all together, this is in order to create enough effect to get the comedy across. Developing the timing of the piece and the pace of the lines deliveries begun a challenge however, we managed to sort it out and I really like the snappiness of the piece - it's almost like each character has something more important to say than the other, they must let it be known. We also developed and improved the physicality of the piece as it is staged at a washing line however, working with shirts and constantly pining them onto the line and off again is distracting from the words being said. So, we worked on using the shirts less and focusing more on letting our characters get lost in the gossip.

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